I liked it very much so, the music was a really nice touch. Very clean animation style.
It is about time something good made it to the front page!
Good job!
I liked it very much so, the music was a really nice touch. Very clean animation style.
It is about time something good made it to the front page!
Good job!
Like OMG!
Thank you so much for putting my audio in this!
I have no idea why it's score isn't that high, it was a great movie, nice clean style to it, very well done as all of your stuff is!
It was so fucking sexy!
This movie is 1337!
We = Pwners!
yeah mr.baron this fine piece of masterpiuece will live fourevar!!!!!!
It was ok!
The animation was good, the song was... eh, it owuld have been better WITHOUT WORDS!
It wasn't really funny at all, I mean it is a cute animation but in no way should be number 1.
I am not a fan of the type's of humor in cartoons from Japan. (That is, if they have any)
Oh yeah,
"OMG that rabbit is a slut!!!"
It has been a while since you submited another flash to Newgrounds, and I am glad you did, this is another solid work of art! Into my favorites it goes! Keep on making kick ass flash! Newgrounds is a better place because of you!
Good job!
Pretty funny! I forgot it was almost easter.
OMG! The easter bunny is such an asshat!
It is about damn time!!!
It is about damn time something good enough made it to the number 1 spot! Your skills are some of the best and I am glad this is number 1!
Out of all the things you mocked on this I can see arfenhouse is the thing you poked fun at the most.
I myself like Arfenhouse but I know you dislike the maker of it, so I say more power to you. It was very well made and had good 3d effects.
Good job, keep up the good work.
What you say is very interesting...
Joined on 7/15/03