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Oh hello again.

Posted by BaronVonBadGuy - March 6th, 2008

I'm sorry to say, this Blog post will be a little different from the rest. There will be no erotic images on display. Oh, I still like those images quite a bit. The next Blog post I make will be about erotic images and why I like them so much. There is another great Angelica picture that I'll upload the next time I wake up, but for now, I hope you'll read this Blog post, it's really interesting.

This blog post has to do a lot with me, and who I am and what I like. I'll start off by saying, I think I'm probably a character of some kind. If you met me in real life, you would probably say something like "Oh wow, I think you're really interesting." I'm not sure if you would be right or not, but I'd like that quite a bit. I'm 23 years old, a male at that, I'm Christian, but I still really like things I shouldn't like, like Drugs, Alcohol, and Erotic Art. Oh, I also like Music quite a bit, and Fine Art. I like all those things quite a bit. I think they're all really terrific, even though I know some of them are wrong.

I don't have a job, and I'm not going to college. I'm on Disability for being Schizoaffective. That's when you have Bi-Polar, and also go into Psychotic states. Oh, don't worry a bit, when I go into a Psychotic state, I usually wouldn't hurt anyone. I'm also Paranoid and have Insomnia, I don't like any of this a bit. The money I make isn't enough to ever buy a house or rent an apartment. I don't really know what to make of that.

I usually don't go outside much, unless I'm seeing one of my Doctors, or visiting my Family. Every now and then I'll get to see my Best Friend, but he's always busy doing illegal things, and I really wouldn't want to risk getting caught for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. So I usually just stay at home, and listen to music, and get drunk, and do other things like getting drunk. I use to write a lot of poetry, but I don't do that much anymore. I'm working on a music project, I have a lot of songs made, but won't release them until I feel I have enough made. I think they're really great, a lot better than the songs I have on Newgrounds.

I don't watch TV at all, only if it's on at my Grandmothers house, and I usually don't like it a bit. I really don't like commercials, or big business at all. I don't like this whole global warming thing a bit, and think we should look toward getting cars that run on electricity. I've heard they have the technology to do such things, but all the rich people, and big businesses that run our country still want to use oil, so they can become even richer and have an even tighter grasp on our country.

I don't like republicans a bit. I really hope Barack Hussein Obama wins the upcoming election. I think that he'll do the best job at shifting this conservative right wing country to a really liberal left wing country, which is what I think we probably need. The conservatives don't seem to care a bit about poor people, and I don't think most of them like black people either. I believe that our government introduced crack to the various slums where large populations of blacks lived, so they could make it harder for them to succeed, because they don't like black people a bit. Oh, but I don't like black people who think they are better than white people, I've met quite a few of them, and don't like them at all. I also don't like Neo-Nazi's or white supremacists, no I don't like any of them, not a bit. I do think racist jokes are funny though, as long as they're just used to joke around, and the person telling them isn't racist. I like them because they aren't politically correct, I don't like political correctness a bit, it just waters down how people really feel.

I also don't like violence. A lot of Newgrounds users really seem to think violence and gore is really great, but I don't think it is, not at all. Pain isn't good, because it hurts, and people shouldn't hurt other people, unless another person is trying to hurt someone else. Then I think you should probably fight back. Newgrounds seems to have more limitations on the amount of pornographic material a flash animation can contain. But they don't seem to care a bit about how violent movies can be.

I also don't like how they have Anti-Religious content on this site. If racism and anti-homosexual content can't be on Newgrounds, they shouldn't allow peoples Faiths to be mocked and made fun of. They have some really terrible flashes on Newgrounds where horrible things happen to Jesus, I really hate that, I hate that a lot, and don't like it a bit. I think from allowing such content, and making profit off of Anti-Christian things, the Fulps are going to find themselves in hell, unless they repent and change their ways. Oh, but they just think they are great people who are always right. But I don't think they are, not a bit. They also seem to like money a lot, and really don't care about their members a bit. I don't like that at all, the money they are making is from other peoples hard work, from others flash animations and others music. They should care more about their members. Also they seem to take a while to update the site. I'm not really sure if they're lazy, or it's just really hard to do the programming, but I think it's a mix of both. Wade also seems to be a republican, I don't like that a bit.

But enough about all that. You can think of me as a good friend, who generally wants good things to happen to you, unless you are one of those occultists who try and befriend me just so you can make me feel bad. Oh I don't like those occultists a bit, they virtually ruined my life, by acts done in person, not online. But they still pester and mock me whenever they can, online or offline. I may not have a job, and they usually do, and don't like that about me a bit, but at least I don't go through great lengths to make someone else's life Hell On Earth. No, they are very bad people, I pray to God for them sometimes, so that they'll be Saved, but most of them seem to have fallen into satans grasp, and just follow their own Vain Imaginations, thinking whatever horrible things they like are okay, and probably view themselves as good people who are productive. But in the long run, there will be Weeping and Gnashing of teeth, that is, if they don't get on the Right Path, and Repent. Just remember, God Accepts Everyone who comes to him as they are. And, if the person follows God, he will start changing things about them for the better. Things that matter, like having more Love and Compassion, and less hatred, violence and deceit.

Oh, I know I like a lot of things I shouldn't, and I trust in time, I won't like those things so much anymore, because God will Work Through Me. I'm not really that good of a person now, because I keep sharing erotic art here with other people, and masturbate to that kind of stuff quite a bit. But in time, I feel I'll start changing for the better in that area, I'm just going through a rough spot, so don't always expect to see erotic art on my Blog posts.

Anyhow, I'll end this Blog post by uploading a picture of me. I've posted it a few times on the BBS, but I'm sure all of you probably haven't seen it.
Oh, don't worry, I don't have red eyes, that's probably because of the camera flash or something.

Anyhow, thanks for reading, hope you really enjoyed this Blog post.


Oh hello again.


I like you, Baron, I like you. Don't know why.

Oh, thank you very much, I like you too.

sex plz.

Oh goodness, you'll have to wait until I wake up, then you'll get more Angelica pictures.

That is one trippy jacket, man.

So, I take it miss Angelica is your favorite hentai lady?

Oh goodness yes, for what ever reason, I always liked her quite a bit. The style of clothing I wear is "Urban," or commonly known as "Black Peoples Cloths." I like that style a lot, so colorful. Thank you for your reply to my Blog post.

And you said no erotic pictures, what you call that?! ^ ( j/k )

Anyhow, back to the post, from your description it seems like we really don't have much in common, haha. I'm not religious, I like animated violence, I like the non-religious and offensive content here - so far I've seen nothing that really insults me, I don't do drugs, I don't drink much alcohol, I go outside a lot, I havn't been to a doctor in about three years, and I have a completly different style of clothing.

The things we do have in common would be the liking of erotic pictures and the no job part. :P Anyhow, thanks for the rare longblogging input, stuff like this is rare here at NG!

Oh goodness, thanks for your reply, but I thought you were from the AAHC, all of them seem to be into the occult, I don't trust occultists a bit. But thanks for the reply, a good long one at that.

Truth was here

Oh goodness, I'm not quite sure.

oh yeah, I did enjoy reading this touching blog post! i could call myself a chrisitian, but not all like that or the traditional way. they were these religious protesters at school (the crazy kind), yelling at students YOURE GOING TO HELL, YOU MASTURBATERS, ALL YOU DO IS GET WASTED they dont even answer your questions, they just go off tangent, read irrelevant bible verses, bash people who are homosexuals, cigarette smokers, masturbaters, jews, people who have sex before marriage- generally keep skewing the image of Jesus who I personally interpret as "love one another and you will go to heaven". Someone put up a sign that said, "commandment #11: Screw all the other commandments, thou shall not be a douchebag". I try to live by that. Those preachers on the campus were not living by that.

while i was a strict christian- i did feel really bad about masturbating and looking at erotic pictures. not so much anymore....as long as these people know what they're getting into when they get into the pornography buisness, it's not so much degradation anymore. Like my friend once said, masturbation is just a way of praising God's art. I'm not saying that's right tho, sorry if that offends anyone, but that's one way to look at it. and they make lots of $$$.

sorry about your schizo/bipolarness. i kinda feel like that sometimes too, i dunno why. probably nowhere as serious on your level, but I have little self esteem and feel bad most of the time- sure i'm being an emobitch. i'm going to see a psyc on Saturday tho.

one thing I can say for sure tho- my life has sucked moreso since I stopped being a more dedicated Christian. from a certain perspective, it feels like there is kind of a burden that's been taken off my shoulders, and I can truly be who I am. some times I hate going to these religious battles on the internet, where I would be speaking from a Christian perspective, and the Atheists would just destroy me logically wise. Logic, reason, rationality, science is the basis of thought, I just had a tough time believing anymore. I still try to follow some morals in the bible and go to church. deep downn inside i know God may exist, i've prayed for him to come back in my life but maybe I just need to make more of personal effort. maybe I was just using God as means of fire insurance.

either way, I hate how my parents constantly say, "you need god in your life" because for all people- that is completely untrue. in my case, that may be the way it is, because I was raised that way and the scare tactics that are employed in the book to keep me aligned. sometimes I wish that there would be a law that would disallow the teaching of any spiritual thought until you reach a certain age. then you can choose what religion (or lack of) you want to be. I would just like to see how that work out, as the information that is fed to you from an early age will stick with you more. Like I said in my headline, to many people are told WHAT to think and not HOW to think, if schools/parents/education systems taught the latter we may be able to find ourselves more, and just really evaluate life.

Furthermore, I wish there was a way to go back to the very beginning of time, if this is true- (metaphor or not, hypothetically speaking or not) where Adam and Eve were in the garden, and they just didnt eat that damned fruit. from a biblical perspective, if that didnt happen we would all be in peace today. i dont know why that damned fruit had to be in the garden in the first place. well of course there is a reason for everything, who are we for one second to question a being of infinite wisdom? its a copout, but at the same time, would God really be God if we could understand his complexity? all I know is that I find it damn frustrating. I believe with the evidence that we have today its hard to just keep the faith. People may sway to religion because they may be weak minded, naturally tought that, possibly ignorant, there's probably even a logical argument towards religion to if you just find the right facts.

anyway, i got to run to class. this probably was somewhat incoherent, un backed up, full of spelling and grammar errors, but thats just my opinion right off the top of my head. i hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as I did yours, Baron.

For me, I feel strongly that children should be raised hearing about God, that will increase in them the chance of following God and being saved. There are basically two ways too live, following God, or not following him. I was a really big atheist, was a really bad person, and was just living not a good life at all. It was during my second Psychosis that I came to God, there were a lot of things that happened in that hospital that were clearly signs of God, and also signs of the devil trying to run me into the ground. One such thing occurred when I was praying to God, I had thought I died and went to hell, long story, you can thank a group of satanists for that. I prayed for forgiveness for my sins, and prayed that I wasn't in hell, that I was still alive, and that he'd give me a sign, sure enough he did, I opened my eyes and someone shined a flashlight against the wall I was looking at. Still didn't believe that sign, prayed again the same thing, asked again for a sign, opened my eyes, someone shined another flashlight against the wall. I felt good for a few moments, then I remembered that lucifer was "the light bringer" or something to that extent.

I had been whispering my prays by the way. Unfortunately I hadn't seen my roommate until he woke up and turned on the light. He was deformed, he looked like a black ninja turtle, not joking here, that's what he looked like. One of the staff members came into the room, asked if anything was OK, my roommate said something along the lines of; "Someone in here's dead, and it's a damn shame." He was about as nuts as I was, and probably thought I was dead also. (Throughout my hospital stay, he'd make up little rhymes and raps about me, "He's dead, he said he dead, that what he said, he's dead." hahaha, scared the shit out of me!) At that moment, everything started rushing at me, I thought for sure that I was in hell. I didn't sleep at all that day. The hospital is shaped like a big square so you could continually walk without having to turn around. I walked for a really long time, holding the bible I had with me. It started to feel like my brain was being pulled apart. I was scared shitless. At one point in the hospital, I just wanted to see flames rise up and consume me, so I would finally be sure where I was going. Luckily they didn't. Anyway, I kind of strayed from what I was talking about.

A while after I got out of the hospital, I jacked off to something I really shouldn't have, something I knew God didn't want me too masturbate to above all else. The next day, I woke up with a painful erection, later to be diagnosed with a rare condition called Peyronie's, which basically means, every time you get erect, it hurts like a bitch. Fortunately, this condition can go away, and after about two weeks or so, it did, thank God. Those are just two examples among many that convinced me there is a God, and that God is Jesus Christ.

I don't like the bullheaded Christians that just insult everyone to get them too believe, it was those kind of people that made me cease from being a Christian in the first place. I've met a lot of them, they really suck at convincing people, they do more harm than good. Fortunately the church I go to, all the people I have met are really great, non-judgmental, they just want the best for you, I'm friends with one of the pastors, he's helped me out a lot.

Anyway, I wish you the best, and I'll pray for you. I've felt God's presence many times since I converted, and he's helped me through many rough times. Just keep praying to him, ask him into your heart, that he fill you with his Holly Spirit and helps guides you through life, molding you into the person he wants you to be.

Wish the best for you man, keep the faith,

Hey, I enjoyed that blog post, even though I didn't read a word of it!

Oh goodness, you've baffled me.

You're way too down to earth to be crazy.

It's not a continuous psychosis, I peak and then go into them. Not peaking right now.

Wow, your laid back.

Oh goodness, I'm not quite sure.

Oh, believe me, I enjoyed taking the time out of my day to read up on this.

Oh wow, I'm not quite sure if you're being sarcastic or not, I'm not good with sarcasm.

What made you start loving Jesus? I remember you being quite anti Christian I think.

Sorry to repost the same thing I just replied to 3rd-Chord:

I was a really big atheist, was a really bad person, and was just living not a good life at all. It was during my second Psychosis that I came to God, there were a lot of things that happened in that hospital that were clearly signs of God, and also signs of the devil trying to run me into the ground. One such thing occurred when I was praying to God, I had thought I died and went to hell, long story, you can thank a group of satanists for that. I prayed for forgiveness for my sins, and prayed that I wasn't in hell, that I was still alive, and that he'd give me a sign, sure enough he did, I opened my eyes and someone shined a flashlight against the wall I was looking at. Still didn't believe that sign, prayed again the same thing, asked again for a sign, opened my eyes, someone shined another flashlight against the wall. I felt good for a few moments, then I remembered that lucifer was "the light bringer" or something to that extent.

I had been whispering my prays by the way. Unfortunately I hadn't seen my roommate until he woke up and turned on the light. He was deformed, he looked like a black ninja turtle, not joking here, that's what he looked like. One of the staff members came into the room, asked if anything was OK, my roommate said something along the lines of; "Someone in here's dead, and it's a damn shame." He was about as nuts as I was, and probably thought I was dead also. (Throughout my hospital stay, he'd make up little rhymes and raps about me, "He's dead, he said he dead, that what he said, he's dead." hahaha, scared the shit out of me!) At that moment, everything started rushing at me, I thought for sure that I was in hell. I didn't sleep at all that day. The hospital is shaped like a big square so you could continually walk without having to turn around. I walked for a really long time, holding the bible I had with me. It started to feel like my brain was being pulled apart. I was scared shitless. At one point in the hospital, I just wanted to see flames rise up and consume me, so I would finally be sure where I was going. Luckily they didn't. Anyway, I kind of strayed from what I was talking about.

A while after I got out of the hospital, I jacked off to something I really shouldn't have, something I knew God didn't want me too masturbate to above all else. The next day, I woke up with a painful erection, later to be diagnosed with a rare condition called Peyronie's, which basically means, every time you get erect, it hurts like a bitch. Fortunately, this condition can go away, and after about two weeks or so, it did, thank God. Those are just two examples among many that convinced me there is a God, and that God is Jesus Christ.

Also, trust me man, it's better to be with God than against him.

Interesting stuff Mike.

Thank you my good man.

wow, i dont have much more to say :O

that was another intense post, thanks for the support, seems like you've been through a lot, glad things are a bit better with you now.

Thanks man, I unfortunately feel like I'm in the calm before the storm. I really do feel something really bad is going to happen to me sometime soon. People have hinted at such a thing for a while now, not going to say what, but they have hinted at it, ever so subtly.

As for my psychosis's, they don't involve me thinking I'm in hell anymore, I just lose touch with reality and feel really, really weird and uncomfortable.

Believe or not, I am being serious.

Oh, :D

on another note, what type of music do you plan on releasing?

Lets just say, it's highly sarcastic, basically making fun of a certain fan base that I really dislike, but they'll think I'm all for them. That's all I can say.

Because really, reading this is like a breath of fresh air, especially when you know how monotonous the drivel of General is.

Oh goodness, I have no personality, I am a machine, I find you really interesting.

Nice jacket thar.

Oh goodness, I like my jacket quite a bit, I think it's really interesting, thank you for your complement, I think you're terrific.

Also, I like your attire.

I find my cloths to be really interesting.

Is that a giant $ madallion?

Oh, I wish it was a giant money medallion, that would be terrific.

or just a part of your shirt oh and btw nice jacket

Oh goodness, thank you. It's a part of my shirt, behind the bling money design is the pink panther holding it up.

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