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This should help clarify certain elements given numerous inquiries....

Though this is very close to how I look at reality, that is not the reason such is being posted. In addition, your questions often have there answers on the very page you were on that inspired your uncertainty. Though there are some glasses you may find useful. Putting said glasses on, (Because I see what you did there.) So now may be a good time for you to try out your glasses now that it has been granted as much insight as you should need to know to get the name,) however doing so may take away from what you once could see in exchange for only now seeing that you are presently desiring to so have shown to you.

And yes, I am a fan of David Lynch, you might find we hold a number of similar outlooks in regards to Art, along that Metaphysical and to a degree, Spirituality. My favorite film of his would be a three-way tie: Eraserhead, The Elephant Man and Inland Empire. With Elephant Man and The Straight Story being two outliers within his Filmography, I.E. far from the unusual nature of his works. Though they still hit all the proper Lynchian patterns that can be found in nearly all of his Works. (And no, I don't consider "Dune" part of Lynch's Filmography.)

If you are unfamiliar with this particular Director and like my more Chaotic/Abstract Music, you will most certainly enjoy David Lynch. Eraserhead and Inland Empire would be what I would recommend for those desiring something very unusual. Though out of all the films, the one I can state I personally can very much relate to is The Elephant-man, not due to looks, but the life depicted not being too far off additional misery that was willfully added to me when certain individuals in the past were aware of my Mental Health and wanted nothing more than to worsen it and then take advantage of said individual when they are at there weakest, for their own fiscal gain.

I've been in more Mental Hospitals than can be counted on my hands, and needless to say, have been abused by staff last time I was, in this case, committed to a Mental Hospital. (Nor was I the only one, it was the whole floor. I would have rather been in Prison, and this particular hospital does everything it can to ensure visitors have no means to take a picture or the like, yet not for good reasons.)

I desire to press charges but clearly you can see why they are willing to do such to those in the Mental Health unit, we get written off as crazy even when one is there for something as benign as needing a safe place to be in due to the passing of a loved one.

P.S. As I now proof read my comments and replies, I do apologize for the typos, when I type on Newgrounds, it is virtually always when I am quite intoxicated, and/or have been writing for hours and hours on end already to the point I do a rushed job. That is basically the only time I can stand to be on here, no fault of any legitimate fan and/or person who simply likes the personality they see on screen.
