I've grown tired of the various social hypocrisies that stagnate our politically correct cesspool.
Allowing one and not the other, forcing like for some groups while great hatred for the others. An all American balance I take it. A balance founded on the Media and ignorance. Lacking any true compassions, tools following what they learn is acceptable and what isn't, via parents the media and friends. Forcing themselves to conform. The just of you folks here being atheists, should have come across the discovery by now, that without God, there is no such things as good and evil. Yet you still cling to your hypocrisies, allowing your hatred for the unwanted to grow as a means of making yourself feel superior, all the while continuing the vicious cycle of your own ignorance, as you flounder about in your own decay.
In my 23 years of life I've seen great hypocrisies spread their legs enticing others to take a lick. What makes you better? A simple question. Nothing makes you better, you well welcomed cancer to society. Spreading your disease throughout the body of this country.
This is my declaration of a change many Newgrounds members have already seen. I will do my best to rub the just of you in the wrong way, as this site is nothing more than a reflection of America's own stupidity.
Outside of Newgrounds I plan to construct very deviant songs which should enrage the typical American. I'll submit them to various places and have my own droogs help them to gain in popularity.
The funny thing is, most of the people who visit this blog, are already far more open minded than the rest of Newgrounds. So I'm pretty much be preaching to the quire.
lmfao hey tanooki-john i found a newspost for you
Tanooki-John is a would be troll.