Thanks, hey a few months ago I was completely unaware there was any interest in relation to anything I've ever uploaded. I'd long since been pursuing other routes for obtaining as desirable a life as possible, now, perhaps, just perhaps something greater will manifest. I'll at least be able to put forward some concepts I'd long desired to.
Keep going forward with your work, Art in all of its form is a fascinating fantastic means of expression. In it I see man as God, given control to create, to destroy, to build, tear down and rebuild, deconstruct, reconstruct, render the old new and the new old. To imbue within it that one so Wills... Instilling within it one's own divinity.
But I digress.
All the best my good man!
You have very interesting goals and aspirations! Good luck achieving them
Thanks, hey a few months ago I was completely unaware there was any interest in relation to anything I've ever uploaded. I'd long since been pursuing other routes for obtaining as desirable a life as possible, now, perhaps, just perhaps something greater will manifest. I'll at least be able to put forward some concepts I'd long desired to.
Keep going forward with your work, Art in all of its form is a fascinating fantastic means of expression. In it I see man as God, given control to create, to destroy, to build, tear down and rebuild, deconstruct, reconstruct, render the old new and the new old. To imbue within it that one so Wills... Instilling within it one's own divinity.
But I digress.
All the best my good man!