Is only days away.
From the 15th-17th* of this month the beach of Point Pleasant New Jersey will be the meeting place for some of our countries greatest people, (IE local Newgrounds members.)
This meet up is being established by Kitala. The official thread can be found HERE.
Okay, so the meeting times for all 3 days will be around 9:30-10:00 am. The meeting place will be on the beach directly in front of the boardwalk amusement park. If you take Arnold Ave in, you cannot miss the amusement park being on your right. Then again, if you're anywhere near the shore or Jenkenson's Pier, you'll see it. When you get passed the amusement park and are staring at the beach, look for the pirate flag. That's where I'll be stationed.
There is free parking, you just need to find it. It can usually be found on the side streets. The lots you can park in are marked off with brackets. i.e. you can park in between a space like [ this ] but not like ] this [ because they are usually openings to driveways and such places you cannot block. It's really obvious. Also, be aware for one-way streets, I don't want ya'll to get pulled over.
I'm looking forward to it.
Anyhow, it's time to put the cast of MTV's "Jersey Shore" in their place like only the members of Newgrounds can.
Get your asses in gear and come on down to Point Pleasant for an experience of a lifetime.
I'll see you there pilgrim.
EDIT: The 17th has been canceled due to lack of people showing up.
Detailed descriptions of what went on during the 15 and 16th soon to come.